Unity Center of Light

Youth & Family Ministry

A Living Curriculum

The vision of “A Living Curriculum” is to empower children and youth to use their spiritual wisdom to fulfill their soul’s purpose; to empower parents to see themselves as the primary spiritual educators of their children and youth; to empower facilitators to see education as a process, through which they effectively support the unfolding of the child’s spiritual nature and model the living of the spiritual principles; to empower a spiritual community by its philosophy, process, programs and products. (Unity Worldwide Ministries)

A Living Curriculum Philosophy

5-Point Check List 

  1. Identify: Each lesson begins with an issue or theme that will be explored.
  2. The Vehicle: Either a Bible story, sacred literature, movie clip, life event or songs are used to introduce the issue or theme. This creates a common experience that everyone can connect to.
  3. The Discussion: This is the heart of each lesson. The questions used invite the students to see how the issue is happening to the characters in the story, how it is happening in their lives and the world around them and helps them come to their own conclusions as to how to experience life from a deeper, more connected place.
  4. The Creative Experience: The creative experiences are open-ended activities that invite the students to play in what they have heard and shared and to explore how it is relevant to their lives.
  5. The Sharing: Each lesson ends with an opportunity for the students to share what they have experienced. They are also encouraged to take the new discoveries home with them and use them in their daily lives.

Children’s Ministry

The lessons each Sunday focus on reinforcing the idea that God is within us, around us, everywhere present and that we are loved unconditionally. We also begin to establish a basic understanding of the Bible and how the stories in the Bible reflect Unity Principles. Other sacred writings and contemporary children’s stories are also used. The children are encouraged to connect with their inner wisdom and to live the Truth they know.

To ensure the maximum safety for the children, a parent/guardian is required to sign the child into the classroom. The children will be brought to their parents in the Sanctuary at the end of Church.

For the safety of the children . . . We inquire into personal references and perform a criminal background check on all volunteers who work in the children and youth ministry.

Featured Events

Sunday School RSVP

Preschool - Ages 2 to 5

Young children are noticing more about the world around them and their place in it. They are full of curiosity and questions and are developing the capacity to respond in a loving way to others and to take responsibility for their actions.

Curriculum Focus – Creating experiences that:

Help the children know they are loved just as they are.
Explore Jesus as a human being and as a model of love and goodness.
Help children understand that, they too, have the spiritual potential to act in ways which bring out their best selves.

Elementary - Ages 6 to 10

These students are energetic, curious, open, imaginative, and enthusiastic. They are learning what it means to be in a relationship with each other. They still need adult help and reassurance but also need time on their own to explore new ideas and concepts. They are developing the ability to talk about and explain their ideas.

Curriculum Focus – Creating experiences that:

Help the children see Jesus as a person who had challenges and difficulties but created a relationship with God that helped him to move through these challenges with loving kindness and generosity.

Invite the children to explore how they, too, can let God live through them as an expression of life, love and kindness.

Teen Ministry

(These two groups typically meet together)

“Our children are sacred. Our role as caretakers of their spiritual growth is sacred. We can consciously commit to deepening our support of youth ministry within our church families. We can open our hearts and church doors to wider communities, sharing our vision and our positive beliefs. Let us join together as a Unity family and clearly answer Myrtle Fillmore’s call, Who will take care of the children?”

Uniteens Middle School - Ages 11 to 13

Preteens are going through huge physical and emotional changes. They can be unpredictable and hard to read as they swing between childhood and adulthood. They are making an attempt to move into adulthood but can still be drawn to things in their childhood. Preteens are excited to be moving into the teen years but also scared of the unknown. They are exploring who they are and their peers are very important to them.

Curriculum Focus – Creating experiences that:

Explore Jesus as a human being who lived and is also the example of God moving in and through us.

Help them know they are inherently good and that they have choices as to how they can show up in this world. 

Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity) High School - Ages 14 to 18

Teens are going through rapid changes and continued growth spurts. They face a lot of temptations and constant peer pressure. They spend a great deal of time worrying about how others view them. They are beginning to want to be treated as adults. They have the ability to think through problems on their own and want to be respected for whom they are. Their emotions are often mixed, sometimes feeling like an adult and ready to assume more responsibility and sometimes feeling like they can’t handle anything.

Curriculum Focus – Creating experiences that:

Invite them to consider the idea that God is a mental attitude which works in and through us. 

Invite them to consider the idea that God is a mental attitude which works in and through us. 

Help them understand they are the creators of their own world through the thoughts they give power to and what they choose to see and believe. 

Help them to know that each has the power to live and do as Jesus did.


Spiritual Education classes are available for children 2 to 18 years during the Unity Center of Light 10:30 am service.


Sacred Circle: A time of community building, prayer, reconnecting, and meditation.
Story Sharing: An experience is used to create common ground among the students.
Discussion: The use of a questioning strategy that engages the learner in an exploration of the story, how it reflects Unity principles and relates to their life.
Creative Experience: The students are then invited into creative experiences that allow them time to personally explore the ideas.
Sharing: A time of sharing ideas and talking about their experiences is offered at the end.
Closing: All classes join the adults in the Sunday service for closing celebrations.