Unity Center of Light

Sunday Services

Online Options


View On YouTube

The message and meditation are prerecorded each week and available for viewing on YouTube each Sunday beginning at 10:30 am. The YouTube video consists of the Daily Word, Message, and Meditation.

Choose this option if you are interested in viewing only the message and meditation. The recording is also available for viewing on Unity Center of Light’s website after the Sunday service.

Easy instruction info to access UCL YouTube videos:
1) Go to https://www.youtube.com/c/Unitycenteroflight
2) Scroll down & click on the most recent video


Join on Zoom and attend the fellowship after the service

Worship with Us In Person

The Zoom Fellowship Room opens on Sunday at 10:30 am. We begin with the prerecorded message and meditation immediately followed by music and fellowship.

Choose this option if you are interested in more time, connection, and engagement with your spiritual family. CLICK FOR ZOOM LINK

Please Note: When you enter the Zoom event, you will be automatically put on mute. Please remain on mute and during the fellowship time you can raise your hand to be un-muted to share. Following these guidelines will insure we all have a good experience.

We meet in person one Sunday each month, generally on the first Sunday of the month. Please check the calendar for the specific date each month.

The service consists of an instructional message to guide and enlighten, a guided meditation, spiritual readings; and worship through music and singing. There is also the opportunity for one-on-one prayer with a prayer chaplain.

A separate program is available for children in several age groups and they join the adults after the offering.

The services usually conclude by 12:00 pm.
After the service, refreshments and fellowship occur in the fellowship hall.

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