
5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Member

These steps can be completed in any order, with the Spiritual Baptism Ceremony being the last step.

  1. Attend a Member Orientation session. (These are held approximately four times a
    year and will be announced in the Sunday bulletin, in the newsletter, and on the web site.)
  2. Attend 6 class sessions of any combination of designated “New Member” classes.
    (These classes are identified in the Sunday bulletin and the newsletter.)
  3. File an Application for Membership to state your intent to become a member.
  4. Participate in this ministry through active interest, love and support.
  5. Sign up for and attend the Spiritual Baptism Ceremony. (This is held during
    the Sunday service approximately four times per year.) The minister gives a
    blessing for the new members, then asks the congregation to bless them also.

While we believe it is important to have concrete steps for becoming a member, we know that
true membership comes from the heart. When you are ready to become a member, we will
welcome you with an open heart and open arms.

Membership is not a requirement to attend any of our workshops, classes or activities.